Cancer risk increases for older women with gum disease

The link between gum disease and systemic illnesses is becoming clearer with each passing day. A recent US study by University at Buffalo indicates elevated risk of cancer for older women who have gum disease. These findings emphasize the importance of oral healthcare throughout life, and may shed light into connections between periodontal disease and other health issues.

Dr. Terry Rose, Smile In Style

Background on gum disease

The warm, moist environment of the oral cavity hosts hundreds of strains of bacteria. Some of these microorganisms are beneficial, while others are a threat to oral health. They feed on sugars and starches left behind by food consumption. Bacteria then excrete acidic waste which irritates gum tissues. Resulting inflammation causes gums to loosen from teeth, allowing infection to go deeper. Without treatment, bone and ligaments that hold teeth in place deteriorate. Teeth are lost or must be extracted.

Research highlights

  • The size of the study group – 65,869 participants – was large enough to produce statistically reliable results.
  • Research subjects were post-menopausal women with an average age of 68, primarily Caucasian.
  • Breast cancer was the most prevalent of the 7,149 incidents of cancer in research subjects.
  • Periodontal disease indicated high risk of esophageal cancer. Presumable, because of close proximity to the mouth, oral pathogens easily reach esophageal mucosa.
  • While no direct implication could be found, incidence of gallbladder cancer was also high, possibly related to chronic inflammation of gum disease.
  • Tobacco is definitely a risk factor for both gum disease and cancer, among current and former smokers.
  • The study concludes that women in this age group who have a history of gum disease are at 14 percent increased risk of developing cancer.

This study provides invaluable insight into a disease that impacts the lives of millions of Australians, as average lifespan continues to increase with medical advances. It underscores the critical nature of good home hygiene, regular dental checkups, and early treatment of gum disease.

Would you like guidance on how to improve your overall health with effective gum disease treatment? Schedule an appointment at Smile in Style in Moonee Ponds at 03 8400 4104, or Sunbury 03 8001 6021.


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Some of the services you can expect to find at Smile in Style include: Our goal is to work together with you to achieve your healthiest, most attractive smile, whilst ensuring your comfort and satisfaction.

Safe Amalgam Removal Protocol

  • Chlorella drink prior is given prior to treatment and a mouth rinse post-treatment. Chlorella can help bind and prevent mercury absorption.
  • Physical protective barriers - Masks, protective coverings, eyewear, in-mouth non-latex dental dams, and other steps are taken to prevent physical contact with mercury for the patient and staff.
  • Oral evacuation - Generous amounts of water are used to continuously rinse particulate matter from the mouth while suctioning it away. Combined with protective dental dams, this prevents patients from swallowing dental amalgam particles during treatment. Additionally, the rinsing helps lower the temperature of the filling, reducing the amount of mercury vapour released.
  • External air - A continuous supply of non-contaminated air or oxygen is delivered via a mask or similar apparatus, preventing inhalation of mercury vapour or particles.
  • "Chunk it out" method - Rather than using a drill to grind the filling down, it is carefully removed in the largest possible pieces, minimising friction, vaporisation.
  • High Volume Evacuation Suction is used by the dental assistant to remove amalgam particles in the mouth.
  • High Volume Air suction and Air Purifiers are used in the clinical room that is able to remove mercury vapour from the room.
  • Amalgam separator use - This device collects mercury-contaminated waste before it can enter the sewage system, allowing us to dispose of it safely.