Replace missing teeth with dental implants

Are you looking for a healthy and attractive smile with no missing teeth? At Smile In Style, Dr. Terry Rose has the knowledge and the onsite technologies to replace missing teeth with dental implants in their Moonee Ponds and Sunbury rooms

Replace Missing Teeth in Moonee Ponds Area

The basics about tooth replacement

Dental implants are screw-like shapes made from a biocompatible (tissue-friendly) material. Medical-grade titanium or ceramic Zirconia are the materials of choice. They are durable and used in implants due to their natural ability to fuse or integrate into the surrounding supportive bone. 

A single implant may be used to replace one missing tooth. Four or more implants may be used to replace an entire upper or lower arch (upper or lower jaw) of missing teeth. Each implant is placed in the jaw. After three to six months, the implant joins or integrates to the surrounding supportive bone. Once this process is complete, the implant is a solid part of the jawbone. 

Depending on each patient’s needs, the implant may be connected to a single crown to replace one tooth. Or, a few implants may be connected to a bridge to replace several missing teeth. A denture may also be connected to implants that are strategically placed and stabilised in the jaw. All implants are designed to function like natural tooth roots. They stabilise the replacement crown, bridge, or denture in the jaw. 

The process of placing implants

The process of placing implants is straightforward and can be completed in a single visit; however, not all dentists are equipped to place implants. The dentist may only have the training and equipment to restore implants with replacement crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dr. Rose does both. He can place and restore most implants in the rooms at Smile In Style. To do this, Dr. Rose uses guided implant planning to determine exactly where each implant is placed in the jaws. Precise placement supports successful treatment outcomes by helping to reduce the likelihood of complications and implant failures. Such exacting implant positioning and planning reduces the need to create large gum flaps during the placement procedure. Minimal alteration of natural tissues also minimises the risk of undesirable post-treatment complications such as swelling and discomfort. Dr. Rose can also use their Dental Laser to provide low-level Laser Therapy to minimise inflammation and accelerate healing after implant placement.

Once the treatment site(s) have healed and the implants have integrated into the bone,  then the tooth/teeth are restored with a lovely,  strong crown, bridge, or denture. 

Benefits of implant-supported crowns, bridges, and dentures

Implant-retained or implant-supported crowns, bridges, and dentures are designed like natural teeth. These teeth look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They also preserve natural tissues; as compared to bridgework, where often healthy adjacent teeth are shaved down to allow for the cementation of conventional bridges. 

Moonee Ponds Office
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Sunbury Office
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What happens if missing teeth are not replaced?

When teeth are removed from the jaw, bone loss can occur.  Implants help to prevent bone loss or stop this destructive process from progressing. Bone loss occurs when the underlying, supportive bone in the jaw does not get the stimulation it needs to stay dense and strong. The jawbone is stimulated by overlying teeth that mash and grind down food. When teeth are lost, the jawbone doesn’t “get used.” And, as they say with our muscles during periods of inactivity, if you “don’t use it, you lose it!” Just as muscles shrink, facial bones shrink. 

When you lose bone in your jaws, problems with chewing food or speaking can be hastened. Plus, the structure of your face can be altered. Bone loss in the jaws can cause the lower portion of your face to “collapse.” This process may prematurely age your face. In addition to a “drawn” facial appearance, the loss of supportive bone can give rise to severe wrinkles, folds, and skin laxity. 

Do not delay contacting Smile in Style today. We may be able to restore your confidence and smile using a range of options which can include implants.  Phone 03 8400 4104 to book an appointment at our Moonee Ponds location, or 03 8001 6021 for our Sunbury office.

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Smile In Style Dental office near Moonee Ponds and Sunbury

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Some of the services you can expect to find at Smile in Style include: Our goal is to work together with you to achieve your healthiest, most attractive smile, whilst ensuring your comfort and satisfaction.

Safe Amalgam Removal Protocol

  • Chlorella drink prior is given prior to treatment and a mouth rinse post-treatment. Chlorella can help bind and prevent mercury absorption.
  • Physical protective barriers - Masks, protective coverings, eyewear, in-mouth non-latex dental dams, and other steps are taken to prevent physical contact with mercury for the patient and staff.
  • Oral evacuation - Generous amounts of water are used to continuously rinse particulate matter from the mouth while suctioning it away. Combined with protective dental dams, this prevents patients from swallowing dental amalgam particles during treatment. Additionally, the rinsing helps lower the temperature of the filling, reducing the amount of mercury vapour released.
  • External air - A continuous supply of non-contaminated air or oxygen is delivered via a mask or similar apparatus, preventing inhalation of mercury vapour or particles.
  • "Chunk it out" method - Rather than using a drill to grind the filling down, it is carefully removed in the largest possible pieces, minimising friction, vaporisation.
  • High Volume Evacuation Suction is used by the dental assistant to remove amalgam particles in the mouth.
  • High Volume Air suction and Air Purifiers are used in the clinical room that is able to remove mercury vapour from the room.
  • Amalgam separator use - This device collects mercury-contaminated waste before it can enter the sewage system, allowing us to dispose of it safely.