There are several reasons for treating Impacted Teeth and Third Molars in Moonee Ponds
The team at Smile in Style treats patients in the most conservative ways possible. Tooth removal is advised when restorative care would be insufficient at producing the desired outcome. Extractions are performed for specific reasons, such as:

- A tooth is blocking another from growing in properly.
- A tooth has been damaged beyond repair.
- Space needs to be created before orthodontic treatment begins.
- Third molars, or wisdom teeth, have erupted or are stuck beneath the gums. This is called impaction.
Wisdom tooth removal is a procedure often associated with teenagers. This is because third molars tend to begin their growth between the age of 15 and 20. The growth of third molars is a normal development of adolescence. However, the growth of these teeth can pose issues.
- Treating impacted wisdom teeth is something we regularly do in our Moonee Ponds and Sunbury offices. Teeth that cannot erupt through the gums can cause a great deal of discomfort, and can pose a risk of infection within the jawbone.
- Impacted wisdom teeth carry the risk of cyst development around tooth structure.
- Though wisdom teeth may be able to make their way from beneath the gums, their growth may push against other teeth, causing them to become crowded and crooked.
- Sometimes, wisdom teeth do not make it all the way in, erupting only partially. Partially erupted wisdom teeth may allow a gum tissue flap to develop, inviting bacteria into the small space. These accumulated bacteria can cause inflammation, irritation, and infection.
The problems associated with wisdom teeth can be avoided by regularly visiting your dentist who will monitor the growth of third molars. Even when there is enough room in an arch for the extra teeth to grow in, removal may be recommended to avoid future issues with cavities and gum disease. Due to the location of third molars at the far back of the mouth, these teeth can be difficult to clean adequately.
Wisdom tooth extraction is a very simple procedure performed in the office of your experienced dentist. At Smile in Style, we place a great deal of focus on patient comfort, and want our patients to feel confident that their extraction treatment can be successful and stress-free.
Call Smile in Style in Sunbury or Moonee Ponds to schedule your visit.
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